Exploring the Power of

gRPC-Gateway for Writing RESTful Services

Rajiv Ranjan Singh


India 🇮🇳

GNOME Asia 2023
Kathmandu, Nepal

Rajiv Ranjan Singh

Software Engineer @ A.P. Moller - Maersk
I graduated in August, 2022 from JSSATE Bengaluru, India

GSoD 2020 @gRPC-Gateway
GSoD 2021 @Wechaty
LFX Mentorship 2021 @moja global
GSoC 2022 @Keptn
GSoC Mentor 2023 @Jenkins


Prerequisites: gRPC, HTTP/JSON, Protobuf

  • REST and gRPC
  • gRPC-Gateway
  • How to use gRPC-Gateway


gRPC doesn't have a default speed advantage over REST, but it provides features that can help enhance its speed.

  • selective message compression
  • load balancing
  • etc



We all know that gRPC is not a tool for everything. There are cases where we still want to provide a traditional HTTP/JSON API. The reasons can range from maintaining backward compatibility to supporting programming languages or clients not well supported by gRPC. But writing another service just to expose an HTTP/JSON API is quite a time-consuming and tedious task.

The gRPC-Gateway is a plugin of the Google protocol buffers compiler protoc. It reads protobuf service definitions and generates a reverse-proxy server which translates a RESTful HTTP API into gRPC. This server is generated according to the google.api.http annotations in your service definitions.

This helps you provide your APIs in both gRPC and HTTP/JSON format at the same time.


  • A plugin of protobuf compiler
  • Generate proxy codes from protobuf
  • Translates HTTP JSON Call to gRPC
  • In-process translation: only for unary gRPC
  • Separate proxy server: both unary and streaming gRPC




How to use gRPC-Gateway

  • Defining Hello World gRPC service using protocol buffers.
  • Creating main.go where we will write our client and server logic.
  • Adding gRPC-Gateway annotations to an existing proto file.
  • Generating the gRPC-Gateway stubs.


Thank You, 🙏 🎉